… · Getting Started | 651 ... Contents Getting to Know OneDrive for Business ... OneDrive - [PDF Document] (2024)…· Getting Started | 651 ... Contents Getting to Know OneDrive for Business ... OneDrive - [PDF Document] (1)

OneDrive for Business Getting Started | 651.779.3300 | Last updated: 08/24/2017

Contents Getting to Know OneDrive for Business ......................................................................................................................1

What is OneDrive for Business? ............................................................................................................................................................ 1

History ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

Who at Century has an OneDrive for Business account? ...................................................................................................................... 1

What does OneDrive for Business do for the Century community? ..................................................................................................... 1

What’s the Difference? .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2

Access OneDrive .................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

User Interface ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 3

Get OneDrive for Business on a Mobile Device ..................................................................................................................................... 5

Features ....................................................................................................................................................................6

Upload Files ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Upload a Folder ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Upload Files to D2L Brightspace ............................................................................................................................................................ 8

Save a File Directly to Your OneDrive Account .................................................................................................................................... 10

Transfer Files from One OneDrive Account to Another ...................................................................................................................... 11

View Document Details ....................................................................................................................................................................... 12

Track Documents Shared with You ...................................................................................................................................................... 12

Edit a Document .................................................................................................................................................................................. 13

Share a Document or Folder ................................................................................................................................................................ 14

Follow-up on Document/Folder Sharing ............................................................................................................................................. 15

Collaborate on a Document with Colleagues ...................................................................................................................................... 16

Deleting Files ........................................................................................................................................................... 17

Delete a File ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 17

Restore a File or Folder........................................................................................................................................................................ 18…· Getting Started | 651 ... Contents Getting to Know OneDrive for Business ... OneDrive - [PDF Document] (2)

OneDrive for Business | 651.779.3300 | Last updated: 08/24/2017 1

Getting to Know OneDrive for Business

Image Credit: Microsoft Office Support

What is OneDrive for Business? OneDrive for Business (OneDrive) is a Microsoft product that provides users with a place to store, edit, and share their files online in the cloud. Users are able to access their files from various devices (PC, tablets, phones, etc.), edit documents offline or online, and sync files from their computers to their cloud account. Users can also create new Office documents (e.g., Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote) easily.

History OneDrive for Business has been improving with every Office update.

Image Credit: Sharegate, Benjamin Niaulin

Grove (Office 2007)

SharePoint Workspace (Office 2010)

SkyDrive Pro (Office 2013)

OneDrive for Business (Office 2016)

Who at Century has an OneDrive for Business account? OneDrive is part of your Century Office 365 subscription package and works with myCentury (our SharePoint site). All Century employees and registered students have a OneDrive for Business account. Students who graduate from Century retain their OneDrive for Business account for one year after their graduation date.

What does OneDrive for Business do for Century students? An online alternative to the network drives (e.g., H Drive).

Eliminates the need to add a network location (e.g., H Drive) on their personal computer.

Makes it easy to edit and share documents without sending emails with file attachments.

Allows multiple people to work on the same document at the same time.

Allows people to access, retrieve, restore, and manage older versions of documents.

Gives us the ability to embed our Office files in other documents like a PowerPoint presentation.

Makes it easy for us to save Office files directly into our OneDrive account. IMPORTANT:

To take advantage of all of OneDrive for Business features (e.g., mass uploads of folders and files), open your OneDrive for Business account in the Internet browser Google Chrome.…· Getting Started | 651 ... Contents Getting to Know OneDrive for Business ... OneDrive - [PDF Document] (3)

OneDrive for Business | 651.779.3300 | Last updated: 08/24/2017 2

What’s the Difference?

Category OneDrive OneDrive for Business

Use Personal Workplace

Account Requirements Microsoft account Office 365 subscription

How to Login Personal Hotmail or Outlook account [StarID]

Device Access PC, Windows tablet, Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and XBox

PC, Windows tablet, Android, iOS, and Windows Phone

Storage Space 15 GB per user 1 TB (1,000 GB) per user

Online Editing Yes Yes

Works with Office Desktop Yes Yes

Synchronize files Yes Yes

Sharing (Security) Users can grant viewers to ability to read or edit a file when they generate a link to the document to share.

Users can grant permissions and access to their file and folders. Additional viewers and editors can be added to existing permission lists by user.

Collaboration Users have the ability to co-author a document at the same time (real time) and view previous version of the document.

Users have the ability to co-author a document at the same time (real time), view and manage previous versions of the document, approve content, and assign tasks to other team members.…· Getting Started | 651 ... Contents Getting to Know OneDrive for Business ... OneDrive - [PDF Document] (4)

OneDrive for Business | 651.779.3300 | Last updated: 08/24/2017 3

Access OneDrive

From myCentury Log in to with your Star ID information and then click on the OneDrive tile on the home page.

IMPORTANT: If you are prompted to sign into your OneDrive account, your login will be [StarID] Your OneDrive password is your StarID password.

From Microsoft Online (Office 365) If myCentury is temporarily down or you would prefer to directly log in to your Office 365 account, go to and sign in with [StarID]

From OneDrive for Business If you just want to access your OneDrive for Business account instead of your Office 365 account, go to and sign in with [StarID]

User Interface No matter where you go online to access your account, your OneDrive homepage will look similar to this:

To access all your Office 365 applications,

click on the icon.

To sign out, click on the box with your name.…· Getting Started | 651 ... Contents Getting to Know OneDrive for Business ... OneDrive - [PDF Document] (5)

OneDrive for Business | 651.779.3300 | Last updated: 08/24/2017 4

User Interface…· Getting Started | 651 ... Contents Getting to Know OneDrive for Business ... OneDrive - [PDF Document] (6)

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Get OneDrive for Business on a Mobile Device To access and edit your OneDrive files on a mobile device, you will need to download a OneDrive app.


To open and edit an Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) or Adobe PDF file you have saved in OneDrive, you will need to download the related Office or Adobe PDF app.

Microsoft removed its OneDrive for Business app on September 9, 2016 from the mobile app stores and replaced it with a new app: Microsoft OneDrive – File & photo cloud storage (Apple) or Microsoft OneDrive (Android).

To download OneDrive app:

Search for Microsoft OneDrive app in your mobile device’s app store (e.g., Apple’s App Store). Download the app.

Sign into the app. Use [emailprotected].

You will be directed to a myCentury login page. Log in with your Star ID information and password.

If you signed in correctly, you will see your OneDrive files (similar to the image shown below).

NEW APP FEATURE:…· Getting Started | 651 ... Contents Getting to Know OneDrive for Business ... OneDrive - [PDF Document] (7)

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Upload Files

Option 1: Single Upload Open your OneDrive account in Google Chrome.

In the Toolbar, click Upload > Files icon.

An Open window will open. Locate and highlight the file(s) you want to upload and then click Open.

Once the file(s) are successfully uploaded online, you will see a similar message in your OneDrive Toolbar.

Once the file has been uploaded, it will automatically be saved in the Files List (which is arranged alphabetically).

Option 2: Mass Upload Open your OneDrive account in Google Chrome. Locate and highlight the file(s) you want to upload from your computer. Click and drag the file(s) into your OneDrive account online.…· Getting Started | 651 ... Contents Getting to Know OneDrive for Business ... OneDrive - [PDF Document] (8)

OneDrive for Business | 651.779.3300 | Last updated: 08/24/2017 7

Upload a Folder

Option 1: Single Upload Open your OneDrive account in Google Chrome. In the Toolbar, click Upload > Folder icon.

A Browse For Folder window will open. Locate and highlight the folder you want to upload. Then click on the OK button.

As the folder is uploaded online, you will see a similar message in your OneDrive Toolbar.

Once the folder has been uploaded, it will automatically be saved in the Files List.

Option 2: Mass Upload Open your OneDrive account in Google Chrome. Locate and highlight the folder(s) you want to upload from your computer. Click and drag the folder(s) into your OneDrive account online.

TIP: Don’t click and drag a folder into another folder in OneDrive unless you want to save a folder within another folder.…· Getting Started | 651 ... Contents Getting to Know OneDrive for Business ... OneDrive - [PDF Document] (9)

OneDrive for Business | 651.779.3300 | Last updated: 08/24/2017 8

Upload Files to D2L Brightspace Instructors have the ability to upload files from their OneDrive account to the Content section of D2L.

Log into D2L Brightspace and enter the course you want to upload files into.

Click Content in the navigation menu.

Locate the content module you want to upload files into or create a new module.

Click the Upload / Create > Upload Files button.

An Add a File window will pop open. Click OneDrive Files in the left-side menu.

Click the Sign in to your Office 365 account button.

Note: Your sign in credentials will last up to 30 days. After 30 days, you will need to sign in again.

A new web browser page will open. Sign into your Century Office 365 account using your Star ID information. Click Next.

Note: If you receive a 404 error message instead of the Sign in page shown above, your web browser’s security is blocking the page from opening. You will need to manually allow the pop-up by clicking on the Shift key at the same time you are clicking on the Sign in to your Office 365 account button.

You will be directed back to the Add a File window. If you successfully signed into Office 365, your folders and files from your OneDrive for Business account will be listed in the All Documents tab in the window.


Click on the left and right arrows to navigate through your folders and files.

To log out of your OneDrive account in D2L, click the Disconnect [emailprotected] link below All Documents.…· Getting Started | 651 ... Contents Getting to Know OneDrive for Business ... OneDrive - [PDF Document] (10)

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Locate the file(s) you want to upload and then click the Add button. As the files are being uploaded, you will see the same process shown below.

Once the files are uploaded, they will show up in the selected module.…· Getting Started | 651 ... Contents Getting to Know OneDrive for Business ... OneDrive - [PDF Document] (11)

OneDrive for Business | 651.779.3300 | Last updated: 08/24/2017 10

Save a File Directly to Your OneDrive Account With OneDrive, you save a document directly to your account without having to save it on your first. This feature will allow users to avoid unnecessary clutter on their computer’s desktop or in their personal H:.

Click File > Save As.

Click on default location OneDrive – Century College (if the location hasn’t already been selected).

[Optional] Locate the file folder within OneDrive you want to save the document in.

Click the Save button.

Note: If OneDrive – Century College isn’t one of your default locations, click on the Browse > Open > OneDrive for Business to save directly into your OneDrive account.…· Getting Started | 651 ... Contents Getting to Know OneDrive for Business ... OneDrive - [PDF Document] (12)

OneDrive for Business | 651.779.3300 | Last updated: 08/24/2017 11

Transfer Files from One OneDrive Account to Another At this time, the best way to transfer files from one OneDrive (personal and/or business) account to another is by:

Syncing both OneDrive accounts to your computer.

Open separate windows for each OneDrive account and arrange next to each other on your screen.

Select folders/files you want to transfer and then drag and drop them into the other account.

Note: If you want to transfer files from your personal OneDrive account to your Century OneDrive for Business account, you will need to sync both accounts on a personal computer.…· Getting Started | 651 ... Contents Getting to Know OneDrive for Business ... OneDrive - [PDF Document] (13)

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View Document Details Document details can be viewed by selecting the file in the Files List and then clicking on the Recent Activity icon in the Toolbar.

You can also share the document or update user permissions from Recent Activity:

Advanced Sharing Options

Track Documents Shared with You Every document directly shared with you from a person’s OneDrive account will be saved under the Shared with me section of the Navigation Pane.…· Getting Started | 651 ... Contents Getting to Know OneDrive for Business ... OneDrive - [PDF Document] (14)

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Edit a Document Once you’ve opened a document in OneDrive for Business, you have the option to:

Edit in Word (Recommended) Edit a document offline in Office 2016

Edit in Browser Edit a document in an online Office app.

Editing a Document Offline When you open a file in OneDrive, a new web browser opens. If you edit a document in Office 2016, the document will remain open online unless you close out web browser. It’s not necessary to keep the web version open while editing a document offline.

Editing a Document Online If you decide to edit a document online, the web browser will automatically refresh itself when you select Edit in Browser and the user interface will look similar to the image shown below.…· Getting Started | 651 ... Contents Getting to Know OneDrive for Business ... OneDrive - [PDF Document] (15)

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Share a Document or Folder Option 1: Directly Share a Document or Folder There are 4 ways (A – D) to directly share a document or folder with someone. Note: Any folders/documents shared by option B will automatically be saved in the person’s Shared with me section of their account.

A. Right-click cursor over the document or folder in the File List to open a side menu and click Share.

B. Click on one of the Share icons in the Toolbar.

C. In the Recent Activity document details, open the Sharing section and click on Add People.

D. Click in the Sharing area of a file or folder line in the File List to open the file Share box and then select the Invite People section.

Share Box Detail Examples

Example – Sharing a document directly with someone

Share Box Detail Examples

Example – Outgoing email invitation…· Getting Started | 651 ... Contents Getting to Know OneDrive for Business ... OneDrive - [PDF Document] (16)

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Option 2: Share a Document/Folder by a Link There are 3 ways (A – C) to share a document by link.

A. Right-click cursor over the document or folder in the File List to open an additional menu and click Get a link

B. Click on Get a link icon in the Toolbar

C. Click in the Sharing area of a file or folder line in the File List to open the file Share box and then select the Get a link section.

Share Box Examples

Example – Sharing a document link directly with someone

Sharing options:

Follow-up on Document/Folder Sharing To see who you have shared a document or folder with and sharing details, click on the Shared with option in the Share box. A document owner can do the following in this section of the Share box with shared documents or folders:

Stop sharing

Email everyone who has access

Update user permissions

Example – Who document is shared with and their user permissions…· Getting Started | 651 ... Contents Getting to Know OneDrive for Business ... OneDrive - [PDF Document] (17)

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Collaborate on a Document with Colleagues Once you’ve shared a document or folder with colleagues, everyone can access and edit the file(s) at the same time.

Editing a Document Online with Others You will receive a message under the Share tab if someone else is in the same document as you, even if they’re editing the document offline.

Editing a Document Offline with Others You will receive a message under the Share tab if someone else is in the same document as you.

At any time, you can see who else is editing the document by going into File > Info. The Share tab will automatically update the number of people in the document as others join in.

Share Tab

Editing in Real-Time When two or more people are editing the same document at the same time, Office allows you to see who is editing where and what.

Saving in Real-Time You will receive the following message when you save the document.…· Getting Started | 651 ... Contents Getting to Know OneDrive for Business ... OneDrive - [PDF Document] (18)

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Deleting Files When you delete a file or folder from OneDrive, it gets sent to the Recycle bin and remains there for 90 days before it is permanently deleted. During the 90 days the file or folder is in the Recycle bin, it can be retrieved and restored.

In order to permanently delete a file or folder from OneDrive before the 90-day grace period, you will need to delete the file from: 1) your OneDrive account; 2) the Recycle bin; and 3) the Second stage recycle bin.

IMPORTANT: Once a file has been permanently deleted from your OneDrive account, it can’t be retrieved or restored.

Delete a File

Option 1 Locate and select the file you want to delete.

Right-click cursor to open side-menu and click

on Delete.

Click Delete.

Once the file has been deleted, you will receive the following confirmation message:

Option 2 Locate and select the file you want to delete.

Click on Delete in the Toolbar.

Click Delete.

Once the file has been deleted, you will receive the following confirmation message:…· Getting Started | 651 ... Contents Getting to Know OneDrive for Business ... OneDrive - [PDF Document] (19)

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Restore a File or Folder Click on Recycle bin in the Navigation pane.

Locate and select the file or folder you want to restore.

Click on Restore in the Toolbar.

You will receive the following confirmation message once the file or folder has been successfully restored:

Note: The restored file or folder will be placed back in the location it was originally deleted from.… · Getting Started | 651 ... Contents Getting to Know OneDrive for Business ... OneDrive - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.