Unforeseen Incidents 1 (2024)

Unforeseen Incidents 1 (1)

2019 Walkthrough by: LouisKoot

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Alot more very detailedgame walkthroughs can be found on my site at: www.pcgameswalkthroughs.nl

Chapter 1: Yelltown


After taken the envelope from thebackpack of the infected girl Harper is back in the alley where his apartmentis. Look around in the alley.

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Click on thedumpster and keep doing that until Harper has taken out a Pantyhosefrom the dumpster.The Pantyhose then hangs out the dumpster, so Harper hasn't taken ityet......

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Click the Pantyhose to take it because Harper needs the Pantyhoselater.

The door at the stairs is the front door of the apartment of Harper's neighbor Mrs.Denman. Click the Intercomto talk with Mrs. Denham through the intercom and do this several times, until shestarts repeating herself. Thengo backup the stairs to the square.

Square: Jake's Garage

Look around. The infected girl has beentaken away by the RHC. Walk a bit to the right, to Jake's garage. There's a carstanding in the garage.

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At the corner stand a Compressor. On ashelf, in the garage and above the car, stand a glass jar. Look at thecompressor and look at the car to hear Harper's comments on them. It's ProfessorMacbride car that stands in the garage. From the statethat the compressor and the car are in, Harper conclude that Jake has done arunner and that he's not coming back. Finally take the GlassJar that is standing on the shelf in the garage.

Exit via the gate abovethe stairs, to the Hotel and the Junkyard

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At the "Seagull vsraccoons" billboard stand a Paint Can with red paint. A power cable is hanging on the billboard. Take the Paintcan and take the Power Cable.

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Don't enter the hotel yet but first goright to the Junkyard. At the first scrapheap you take the TV , that's between all otherthings.The TV has a VCR slot

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When you have taken the TV you gofurther to the right to get at the trailer ofLeroy, the junkyard manager.

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Talk with Leroy and use all options youget.Leroy is watching the football game

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A paint atomizer is on the box.Take the Paint Atomizer.

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Leave the junkyard and now enter the hotel.

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Hotel receptionist Morton sits behindthe reception counter

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Talk to receptionist Morton, who's sitting behind the reception.Ask Morton everything.

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There's no guest by the name Helliwell in the hotel.Harper may not look at the guest book, that's lying behind the swing doors

Walk right and then open the broom closetdoor. Take the Fish Food,the Detergent and the AquariumHose out the broom closet.

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Next to the elevator is an aquariumbuild in the wall. Take the Fish Foodout of inventory and click with it on the aquarium togive the fish in the aquarium some fish food.

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Go, via the doorway behind Harper,to the Hotel Bar. Lookaround, walk left and go talk to the barkeeper and then talk with the two footballfans and use all options you get in this two conversations

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The barkeeper want tosee Harper's ID if you ask for a beer, bur Harper hasn't got his ID withhim.

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The two football fansare watching the football match. Nobody knows Helliwell

Look at the stack of oldVideo Tapes, next to the TV and.........

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in the close-up take one of theold videotapes....

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.........Ifall is well then Harper has taken the 22-07-1986tape but youwon't now this until you use the tape. Go back to Morton. Harper needs to distract Morton so hecan take a peek at the guest book. Open the inventory and drag the TV outand click with it on Morton....Harper put the TV on the counter

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Look at the power cable of the TV.......

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The cable of the TV has been cut, so drag yourown power cable out of inventory and click it on the bit of cable that stillsticks out the TV.

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Use the roll of Electric tape on the cable, that now are on the floor and.......

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Harperthen plugs the TV cable into the wall socket. Then try switching on the TV, but the TV does not work.

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Open up the inventory and drag out the screwdriver, from yourmultitool and.....

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.....click with the screwdriver on theTV

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Harper opens up the back of the TV....asolder joint inside the TV has been broken so Harper takes the TV back to repairit when he's back at his apartment.

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Leave the hotel and go back to the square. Leave thesquare at bottom left to and then enter the lab of ProfessorMacbride.

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Harper tells Macbride about the infected girl and theprofessor checks whether Harper has been infected by the girl, witch isn't thecase.

Talk further with Macbride and use all the conversation options that youget.

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Harper and the professor wants to drive to Nicola, thehome of the professor, after Macbride has done his presentation. Harper tellsthe professor about the envelope and about Helliwell. The professor sees an opportunityhere....He wants a blood sample from the infected woman and Harpermust get that blood sample. Harper must sneak into the RHC Headquarters to getthat blood sample. Tell the professor also about his car....The professor ask ifHarper could finish the repairs on his car. During the conversation Harper getsa protective Bio-suit and the car keys from the professor

When you are finished talking with Macbride then leavehis lab and go back to Jake's Garage on the:

Square: Jake's Garage

Go to the garage. Try to use the Paint Atomizer on the compressor.

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You must first clean out the nozzle ofthe paint atomizer because it's full with dry paint.

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In inventory combine the PaintAtomizer with the Kill-It-BangDetergentto clean out the nozzle of the paint atomizer. Then combine the PainCan withthe Paint Atomizer to fill the paint atomizer with the red paintThen use the filled Paint Atomizer on theCompressor again and.......Now Harper connect the paintatomizer with the compressor. Take outthe Bio-Suit and click withy it on the Paint Atomizerand......

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Harper sprays ared stripe on the Bio-suit, just like the RHC man has..........Go to your apartment and to your bedroom.

Harper's apartment

Examine Harper's pants and......Harper finds and takes outhis ID Card in his pants.

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On Harper's workbench stand his HAM radio but also hisSoldering Iron.

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Go to the workbench and then take the broken TV from inventoryand click with it on the Soldering Iron, to repair the TV.

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Go back to the


Put the TV back on Morton's counter by clicking withthe TV on Morton again.

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Morton wants to view the football game, so Click on theTV......Unfortunally this TV can't receive the sports channel.

take the old Video Tape from inventory and put it intothe TV and....

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If all is well then Harper putsthe 22-07-1986tape in the TV and......It works...Morton now looks at the old football game butthinks he's watching the current live game.

NB: If Harper says itdoesn't work then he has taken the wrong tape. You then must go back to the Barto take another tape and hope for the best. Repeat this until Harper has put thecorrect Tape in the TV

Now click theGuest book (2 times) again and......

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Now that Mortonis totally distracted Harper goes behind d the counter and he has a peak in the guest book......

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Alas.....Now Helliwell is registered as a hotel guest.Note down the rooms that have a guest and also note down the telephone numbersthat are on the white business card,

Go out the guest book. Behind Harper and Morton is the Keyholder cabinet. There are 2 Newspapers in the boxes of that cabinet......

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Take those twoNewspapers and then left click them in inventory. Those two newspapers are the "Port Nicola Times" and the "Yelltown Times" and on both ofthem you see a telephone number, at top right. Note down both telephone numbers.

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Then use the Telephone and first call up the NicolaTimes: 555 4242777.

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The lady of the NicolaTimes knows Helliwell but she may not give out any personal information.

So call up the Yelltown Times: 555343311....but this brings you nothing

Have an other look at the guest book again and write down the telephone number on the business card and the roomnumbers of the rooms that have a guest. Then use the Telephone and call up all the rooms that have ahotel guest......Talk to every guest and ask them the questions that youget.....

When you call the room of Ursula Jamesvia 555 236820 to talk with her youstart by saying "I read an Interesting article in the papertoday......."

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Then say "It's superinteresting" and then say "You seen the Yelltown Eagle yet?" and.....Well....Ursula Jamesturns out to beHelliwell and she agrees to meet up with Harper in the hotel bar.

So go to the hotel bar to meet up with Helliwell /Ursula James and click "Actually I have this envelope" and....You give her the envelope.

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Talk toHelliwell.....she doesn't trust Harper and she sits down to read the letter fromthe infected girl. Go talk with Helliwell again and now use all the options youget.

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Helliwell gives Harper a piece of paper (note) with aFrequency code.

After this, go to the barkeeper and show your ID Cardto him, to get a bottle of beer .

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Harper's Apartment

Ham Radio

Go to the square and then left to the alley.Enter Harper's apartment and go up to the bedroom.

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Clickthe Ham radio. You'll be in the close-up of the Ham radio again. While inthe close-up open up the inventory and then left click the frequency paperthat Harper got from Helliwell.

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The frequencies on this paper are different eachgame, so you probably have different numbers then I have on the paper.Write down the frequencies that you got on the paper. You have to set the frequencieson the Ham radio now and I'll explain how you do this with my frequencies. The first number on your paper, is thefrequency of a AM channel. Then you have 3 FM frequencies with PHS numbers. On the paper Ihave numbered those frequencies as A, B and C

Click the frequency paper away and takea look at the Ham Radio

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On top of the radio stand the Frequency box and thatbox has 3 displays where you must put in the frequencies and the PHS numbers ofyour paper. Those 3 displays are A, B, C. The radio has a FM and a AM receiverand now FM is selected. With the buttons D you switch between FM and AM. Withbutton D you search the channels.

First put in your frequencies and PHSnumbers in the A, B, C boxes. You do this by turning the frequency and the PHSbuttons. For me it is like this

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When you have put in the frequencies andPHS numbers then set the radio on AM (button D) and then slide the red slider Fof the radio on your AM frequency...For me this is 1405.42, with button E

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When you have done everything right thenyou go automatically out the close-up of the radio and......Harper now hearsstrange messages coming from the radio.

Harper goes away to get Helliwell (Jane)because he want her to hear those messages. Talk to Helliwell

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Helliwell then goes back to the hotel.Leave the apartment to the alley and stay in the alley for a bit. Harper'shazard suit is not quit the same as the suits those RHC men wear. Harper's suitis missing the RHC logo and you got to fix that now. In the alley go stand atone of the RHC posters.

Open the inventory and then open theMulti Tool. Take the scissors of the Multi Tool outinventory and...........

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........ use the scissors on one of the RHCposters to cut out the RHC Logo

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In inventory combine the Scissors with theGlue Flacon tocut of the tip of the nozzle

Then combine the Glue with the RHC Logo and then combine the stickyLogo withthe Hazard suit.

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Harper now has a RHC disguise Hazardsuit

Now go to the hotel and then into the hotel bar and talk to Helliwell/ Jane, who's sitting at the table working on her laptop. Ask Helliwell al thatyou can ask.

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When you're done with Helliwell go talk to the bartender andthen with the 2 football fans and say to them "Something bad is going tohappen here tonight" and then use all other options that you haven't usedin earlier conversations with these guys. When you're doneleave the hotel and go backto Jake's Garage on the Square

Repair McBride's Car


Use the McBride's car key onMacbride's car.

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Harper open up the Hood of the car and you are in the close-up of the car'sengine, witch is a total mess.

Click on every part that you can click up.Harper must replace many parts and he needs to no witch parts he must replace.

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Look at the coolant reservoir ...the reservoir isalmost empty, but Is it pink -G1 coolant that the car needs? Top left you see the yellow oil tank. Clickon the Dipstick to open the Oil Tank ...the oil level is fine......In inventory combine the Scissorwith the Aquarium Hose to cut the hose short.

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Then drag that CutAquarium Hose out the inventory and click with it on the still open Oil tankand..........

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Withthe hose Harper sucks up some Oil and he fills the glass Jar with the oil....Harperdoes this automatically Click the Dipstickagain to close off the oil tank again.

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Now click on all the other parts thatyou can click on, so Harper knows witch parts he must replace. The Fan beltand 2 spark plugs aremissing. The radiator hose has a leak and must bereplaced. The car battery is gone. When you have done this then go out theclose-up and then go back to the


A very big crane stand on the scrap heapand in the gripper of the crane sticks a car engine.

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Click on that car engine, sothat Harper knows that it is hanging in the crane.

Then go talk with Leroy andask him everything you can but especially ask him everything about the car engineand the spare parts.

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So start with asking "Do you mind ifI borrow some bits of junk from the yard" and.....Leroy don't want Harperto take any car parts because he's making a good profit on those part right now.So say: "I'm trying to fix this broken car...." and.......Leroy wantsomething in return for the car parts, so ask "Sure, what do youwant?".....Leroy is thirsty, so he wants a drink. So say "Talk to youlater" to leave this conversation and then open up the inventory and takeout the Bottle of Beer and give it to Leroyand......

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Leroy is happy and nowHarper can talk with him about the car parts, so go talk with Leroy again andsay "About those car parts....."

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Now you get a list with car parts you canask Leroy about, so go through this list and Leroy will tell whether he has the parts and where Harper can find them. Leroy doesn't have a fan beltbut maybethere are some spark plugs in the engine that is hanging on the crane. When youask for Coolant then Leroy want to know what kind ofcoolant you need and heshows you a paper with the different kind of coolants on.

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Harper needs the G18 (Pink)-inorganic coolant for MacBride's car, so click the paper away and thenclick on "I need a bottleof G-18" and....Leroy gives that bottle toHarper.

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Close the conversation via "Let's talk about something else"and then "Talk to you later".....

In the middle of the scrap heap you see abig tire.....When you place your cursor in that tire you read that it is "Antediluvian Junk"......

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Click in that "Antediluvian Junk"and.....Harper finds a Car Battery.

Go up to the big Crane. At the crane thereare two gas cylinders lying around...those gas cylinders are designated as "Ancient Junk".....

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Click on those gas cylindersand.....Harper finds aRadiator Hose.

Now to bring the car engine down from thecrane. In the cabin of the crane is a lever. Click thatlever......

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The lever isstuck...Harper can't move the lever.....Take the Glass Jar with Oil outinventory and click with it on the lever.......

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Then click the lever againand........The gripper opens and the enginefalls down on the ground.

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Go to the engine and click itand......Harper takes out the two Spark Plugs.

Go back to the squareand to Macbride's car in Jake's garage and go back in the close-up of the carengine

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Take the Battery out inventory and clickit in the Battery Slot of the engine.

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Take the two Spark Plugs out inventory andclick them in the two Spark Plug holders of the engine.

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Replace the brokenRadiator Hose with the Radiator Hose Harper has found at the Junkyard.

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Fill the Coolant Reservoir with the CoolantHarper got from Leroy, and hope that it isthe right coolant.

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Find the "Fan BeltPulleys".....The Fan Belt is missing but Leroy didn't had a spare Fan Belton his junkyard. So Harper needs to improvise here.....

Take Mrs. Denham's Pantyhose from inventory and use it as Fan Belt and......

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Harper has fix the car, and he will tellyou this and you go out this close-up

Go to professor Macbride in his lab and show him the Hazard Suitand......

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Harpertells that he has fix the car and then we end up in the hotel bar to askHelliwell where the RHC camp is.. So talk to Helliwelland....

Helliwell demandsto accompanied Harper to the camp and no matter what you see she gets her wayand we then end up at the:

RHC Camp:

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Harper has put on his RHC Suit and MacBride gives Harper a syringe that he mustuse to take a blood sample from the infected girl. Say "OK, Let's dothis" and then click on Helliwell and she gives her camera to Harper, totake some pictures from within the camp. Talk to MacBride again and ask himeverything you can but especially how to take a blood sample and then close thisconversation again.

A RHC Guard is guarding the gate, but to the leftthere's a gap in the wall that has been fenced of with a Fence in thewall.....Click that Fence and......

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Harper walks to that fence but the guard seeshim and shouts that "the entrance is over here". So go to the guardand talk with him. The guard ask for an Identity Card.......Use one ofthe two option and.......The guard don't believe you but he thinks that you areGary and that you've lost your ID Card during a fight with some infectedcitizens.

Go talk to Helliwell again and ask her to distract bysaying "I think I might be able to break in through the fence"and......Helliwell goes to the guard to distract him...While Helliwell isdistracting the guard, and you have control back, click the Fence again andHarper walks to the Fence. When Harper stands at the Fence you use thePincersof the Multi Tool on the Fence to cut a hole in the fence.

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Then go through thefence to enter the Camp

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There are two tents, some crates and a ruined chapel.Click on both tents to peak into them ....

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Patty, the infected girl, isn'tin the tents and Harper also sees no medical equipment in the tents. As Harperstand at the left tent you'll see a bunch of RHC employees at the left. Take theCamera out of inventory and click with it on the left tent to take a picture ofthe tent and......

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there's a RHC guy in the tent and that guy want to now whatthe hell Harper is doing....Give the guy one of the possible answers and.

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........the alarm sounds and all RHC men leave the camp and........Itgoes by itself no for a while

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Harper, Helliwell andMacbride go to the hill to see what those RHC men are doing in Yelltown and...... TheRHC is spreading g the disease all over Yelltown............

Talk to Helliwell and MacBride andthen.... Harper goes to town.


This is a frustratingbit in the game and you'll probably end up ding this over and over again withlittle hope of success. It's not possible to provide you with a Save Game fromafter this puzzle

Unforeseen Incidents 1 (89)

Harper stands, in his fake RHC suit, in the gate above the stairs. 3, or4, RHC men are walking around and the spraying the place with there deadlyspray. At Jake's garage is still the Paint Atomizer attached to the Compressorand Harper must get to that Atomizer but he must not be detected by the RHC men.

Do not talk to any of the RHC men because then Harperwill get knocked down. For thatreason make sure Harper don't bump into one of the other RHC man. in otherwords.......Make sure that Harper isn't caught by one of the other RHC manwhile you move him to the compressor. Your on your own here.....Study how the 3,or 4, RHC men move around the square and then use that knowledge to move Harperto the Paint Atomizer, undetected......Stay with Harper in theSHADOWS......Perhaps these screenshots can help you

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When Harper stand safely behind the compressorthen click the Atomizer to take it in your hand and then click with the thing onthe RHC man who stand at the gate of Jake's Garage and......

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Harper sprays the RHC guy with red paintand......

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Harper escapes and he ends up at thebillboard at the hotel and.......

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A woman in army uniform shows up and she takes Harper at gunpoint.....No matterwhat you say... Harper gets knock down and taken away and we go on with

Chapter2: Graystone Woods National Park:

2019: Walkthrough by: LouisKoot

Unforeseen Incidents 1 (2024)


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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.